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ii Films Ministries

Photo courtesy of ii Films, L.L.C.

We need your help to produce a new quality, faith-based feature film.  

Producing movies is an expensive undertaking. Producer Scott Peterson, President of ii Films Ministries, Inc., has the experience of producing multiple award-winning feature films on a micro-budget -- with three feature films at a combined budget of under $400,000. It is of utmost importance to us to be good stewards of what God provides.

We need volunteers!  From making a meal, hosting out of town cast or crew member, to being a production assistant on set. Please send us an email and we can add you to our mailing list. We will contact you as we get closer to production.  EMAIL 

Our goal is to produce a family-friendly movie with a Christian message every other year or - God-willing - annually. We can only do it with your help! In doing so we are helping hone the skills of up and coming filmmakers and putting out great movies that the whole family can watch.

Is this the same as ii Films?

ii Films Ministries is not affiliated with ii Films, L.L.C..  Scott A Peterson, our President, owns ii Films, L.L.C.  He wrote and produced three award-winning Christian feature films, The Current, Miles Between Us and Treasure Lies for ii Films, L.L.C., and founded ii Films Ministries, Inc. to pursue the same vision of producing quality, faith-based family feature filmes.  The name, logo, and photos are used with permission from ii Films, L.L.C..

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